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  • Albuca nelsonii | Nelson's slime lilly -Flower
    Albuca nelsonii |...
    Albuca nelsonii is an evergreen, bulbous plant...
  • Aloe cooperii_Cooper's grass aloe_Flower
    Aloe cooperii |...
    Stemless or short stemmed grass aloe, light...
  • Aloe ferox_Bitter Aloe (Bitteraalwyn)_Specimen
    Aloe ferox |...
    Single stem aloe, dull green leaves borne...
  • Aloe marlothii_Mountain aloe (Bergalwyn)_Specimen
    Aloe marlothii |...
    A single stemmed aloe, with large dull,...
  • Aloiampelos tenuior (Aloe tenuior)_Fence aloe Slender aloe_ Specimen
    Aloiampelos tenuior (Aloe...
    A small to medium rambling aloe which...
  • Aponogeton distachyos | Waterblommetjie - Flower and Leaf 2
    Aponogeton distachyos |...
    Aponogeton distachyos is an aquatic plant growing...
  • Aristida junciformis_Gongoni Three –awn, Gongoni steekgras_Specimen
    Aristida junciformis |...
    Densely, tufted grass made up of fine,...
  • Asystasia gangatica_Creeping foxglove, rankvingerhoedjie_Specimen
    Asystasia gangatica |...
    Low, spreading groundcover with dark green leaves...
  • Barleria obtusa | Bush violet - Flower
    Barleria obtusa |...
    Barleria obtusa is multi stemmed, rounded, small...
  • Barleria repens "Rosea" | Small Bush violet - Flower
    Barleria repens 'Rosea'...
    Barleria repens 'Rosea' is a fairly hardy,...
  • Bolusanthus speciosus_Tree wisteria_Specimen
    Bolusanthus speciosus |...
    A small, mostly deciduous tree generally multi-stemmed...
  • Buddleja saligna | False Olive - Leaves
    Buddleja saligna |...
    A large bushy shrub or small...
  • Calodendrum capense | Cape chestnut - Specimen
    Calodendrum capense |...
    Calodendrum capense is a slow growing, medium...
  • Carissa bispinosa_Forest numnum (Numnum)_Stem and Leaves
    Carissa bispinosa |...
    A medium sized evergreen bush (smaller than...
  • Carissa macrocarpa_Big Numnum (Grootnoemnoem)_Specimen
    Carissa macrocarpa |...
    Medium dense thorny shrub, glossy dark green...
  • Celtis africana |...
    A medium sized, deciduous tree which usually...
  • Coleonema pulchellum | Confetti bush - Specimin
    Coleonema pulchellum |...
    Coleonema pulchellum is an evergreen, fast growing,...
  • Combretum erythrophyllum_River Bush Willow / Vaderlandswilg_Specimen
    Combretum erythrophyllum |...
    Medium to large tree, leaves mid green...
  • Combretum krausii_Forest Bush Willow/ Bos vaderlandsewilg_Specimen
    Combretum krausii |...
    Medium to large tree, dark green shiny...
  • Crassula ovata_Jade plant_Pink joy_ Specimen
    Crassula ovata |...
    A fast-growing, large, rounded shrub. Its stem...
  • Dais cotinifolia | Pompom Tree /Kannabas_ Specimen
    Dais cotinifolia |...
    Small rounded semi - deciduous tree with...
  • Erythrina lysistemon_Coral-tree_Specimen
    Erythrina lysistemon |...
    A medium sized deciduous tree which is...
  • Escallonia x exoniensis 'Fradesii'_Escallonia 'Pink Princess'_Flowers
    Escallonia x exoniensis...
    Medium sized bush with glossy green leaves...
  • Euclea crispa subsp. crispa_Blue guarri_Specimen
    Euclea crispa subsp....
    A shrub or small tree which has...
  • Freylinia tropica_Blue Honeybells (Blouheuningklokkies)_Specimen
    Freylinia tropica |...
    Medium to large shrub, prolific flowering erect...
  • Iris japonica_Fringed or Japanese Iris_Specimen 2
    Iris japonica |...
    An evergreen bulbous perennial with a fan...
  • Lomandra longifolia ‘Tanika’_Spiny headed mat rush_Specimen
    Lomandra longifolia Tanika...
    Grass like, clump forming plant with compact,...
  • Olea europaea subsp. africana_Wild olive_Olienhout_Specimen
    Olea europaea subsp....
    A medium to large evergreen tree with...
  • Platanus x acerifolia_London Plane Tree_Londense Plataan_Leaves
    Platanus x acerifolia...
    A very large shade tree which is...
  • Portulacaria afra_Porkbush_Spekboom_Specimen
    Portulacaria afra |...
    Succulent shrub or small tree which is...
  • Searsia chirindensis_Red Currant_Bostaaibos_Leaves and Fruit
    Searsia chirindensis |...
    A semi-deciduous shrub to a very large...
  • Senegalia (Acacia) burkei_Black-monkey Thorn/Swartapiesdoring_Specimen
    Senegalia (Acacia) burkei...
    A medium to large deciduous fast-growing tree...
  • Senagalia galpinii_Monkey Thorn_Leaves
    Senegalia galpinii (formerly...
    Large tree, rounded crown, feathery foliage, corky...
  • Vachellia sieberiana var woodii (formerly Acacia)_Paperthorn (Papierbasdoring)_Specimen
    Vachellia sieberiana var...
    Large tree, umbrella shaped or flat crown,...
  • Viburnum odoratissimum_Sweet viburnum_Specimen
    Viburnum odoratissimum |...
    Large shrub, with glossy dark green leaves,...

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